My interview went extremely well in my opinion!!! I couldn't stop dancing around and smiling afterwards. I really think that I got into Housekeeping but I could be wrong. Staying out of the heat would be perfect for me b/c I don't know how my new skin will react to being in direct heat (yall know how the temps in FL can be). Besides, I would hate for all of my dermatologists' hard work to be reversed lol (that story is on my other blog....)
I was super excited when my interviewer called. I was nervous and anxious all day long. I think yesterday was the longest day in history for me (and my high school graduation ceremony was long as ever lol). I got scared at first when 9pm rolled around and my phone didn't ring. I read on one of the forums that your call can either be 5 minutes early or late if its not on time. So....when 9:05 came and passed I was close to wanting to cry ( not really, but I was really worried!) 9:06 hit and I could have sung a lovely tune when my phone rang and I saw that Unknown ID on there.
My interviewer was really nice. She asked me to choose 2 top roles instead of 3. I thought everyone got offered 3 choices but I probably didn't have enough marked down for her to give me that option. I chose Housekeeping because I'm used to cleaning and I actually enjoy it at times. I also chose Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Hostess (#1) because being a Fairy Godmother in Training would be so fun and sounds so cool lol. I don't have major salon experience but I'm great at doing my own hair (that's what my other blog is about, my natural hair journey :) and I helped out in a hair shop for like a second. I failed to mention that last part but she did ask a little bit about that role and then she moved on to cleaning-related questions. If the rumors are true....if Disney really tries to give their CP candidates what they really want....then I may be getting an offer for Housekeeping. I told her when she asked for my 2 choices that I was also open to Merchandise and Custodial. I can't really tell if the cleaning questions were aimed at housekeeping or custodial b/c she mainly asked about cleaning up after others. Directly, that can be specifically for HK but indirectly that can apply to custodial.
Whatever the case may be, no matter what role I get offered.....I will accept my CP offer so that I can still have that CP experience. I hear it's really fun and something you will never forget, whether you enjoyed it or not.
Here's to Disney!
Episode 112
8 years ago
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