Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Princess and The Frog

Posted by Lena Jolie at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: favorites, The Princess and The Frog
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Follow That Bird!!!
Okay, so I'm definitely not a bird and this definitely isn't Sesame Street lol but I think it's a catchy title!
I just wanted to take time to acknowledge my followers (all 7, my lucky number!! I'm the 8th so that doesn't really count lol) Thank you guys much for giving me an extra reason to keep my blog going. Now, I'm not just documenting my Disney experience for myself and any future wanderers who may happen to see; but I'm giving special people (Go CP's, wooo!!)something more to read lol
I enjoy all of your blogs, so I'm hoping you all are getting or will get something out of my blogging.
Have a Magical Day kiddos!!!
I'll be back tomorrow with some better reads (gotta go be a good student and do work!)
Posted by Lena Jolie at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
New Theme......
So.....unfortunately my plans of having a different Disney themed background every so often will not go through lol
Why you ask? Well, it's too much for one. I could barely find the one's I did have in the beginning and now the page that had my Little Mermaid background is messed up and that means my blog will just be blank with no background and my source of templates is gone :( Another part of the being too much aspect: having to change my text color on all my posts when I change templates. I'm procrastinating enough at school already, I won't even try to do all of that again!! lol This is the last time....at least until I find a simpler way of doing things
Oh well......on with the show.
I've decided on a new type of theme: a lovely, girly-type background that reminds me of one of my favorite Disney Classics of all time: Beauty and The Beast. It's by no coincidence that I do this today b/c I watched the movie this weekend (I was due for some quality Disney time and watched that and UP (congrats on the Oscar wins guys!!!) the beginning of the weekend.
This lovely pink, brown, and green schemed vintage rose background reminds me of Beauty and The Beast somehow. I guess because it has that vintagey romantic element to it. Also, remember the mystical rose from the story? Yeaaaah! lol I think that may have something to do with it too :)
Off to do homework and obliterate this darn procrastination. How do you other future CPs deal with this madness???
Posted by Lena Jolie at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: Beauty and The Beast, Disney College Program, procrastination
Friday, March 5, 2010
Purple Folder
You know what that means right? It's time!! Time for what you ask? It's finally time for me to take the infamous Purple Folder picture and post it on facebook and where ever else my heart desires!!!!
My purple folder just arrived and I almost screamed again lol I just kept saying, "It's hereerre!!! It's heerrreee!!!". If my neighbors would have saw me or heard me they probably would've been like ummm it's only the mail! I wonder what the mail carriers think when they see those big ol folders from Disney. Probably that the family is planning a trip to Disney World or something. Don't act like some mail people aren't nosy like that lol
Posted by Lena Jolie at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Disney College Program, Purple Folder
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Little Mermaid
Hello readers!
As promised, a little info on my current choice of background. (My reason for doing the CP will be here by the weekend if I can swing it.....I have studying I should be focusing on this weekend lol)
My current background (when it's working.....right now it seems to be MIA) is themed after the Disney Classic The Little Mermaid. Ever since I was a little princess, I have adored Ariel and her story. I was a LM nut back in the day. I've always been an all Disney fan but when it came to anything Mermaid related I had to have it. I had the LM bedding (I'm sure it's still at the house somewhere hiding if I didn't toss it) including curtains (still have and use those.....I stay within the color scheme when I can since my room is light-blue like a crystal-like ocean). I definitely had the Ariel and Prince Eric dolls (recently gave those away but they were not in pristine condition.....played with them to no end; I'm sure my nieces love em like I did! lol); I have various LM figurines/toys that are still in tip-top shape; I know I had an outfit with matching shoes b/c one of my birthday parties (may have been 3rd or 4th) was LM themed
The story of Disney's The Little Mermaid is timeless and fits the life-story of many a girl around the world (minus the mermaid, talking animals, sea witch and prince part haha). Many of us grow up under a tight ruling with strict parents, usually a strict father. I know of her pain so well lol While my problems didn't deal with loving a human prince and following the MerKing's rules, my dad did have his share of rules and levels of strictness. In so many ways he acted like Triton (still tries to most of the time!) but I was determined to have my way and have my independence. We princesses get reprimanded for the darnedest things don't we? And then when we get closer to our dream (Prince Eric and being human in Ariel's case) life or a sea witch comes to take it away. I'm glad she got her prince and everything she desired in the end as opposed to the real tragic ending or the real LM story. This story and movie will always be held close to my heart. I think this movie is what sparked my love affair with all things oceanic and Disney :)
Posted by Lena Jolie at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: Disney, The Little Mermaid
So it's been a couple of days since I've been accepted into the Disney World College Program. I am still super ecstatic about going but I have a few minor concerns.
Will I like my roomates/housemates? How will that part work out exactly? I mean....I've gone 5 years in college and all of my 22/23 years without having a roommate. The closest I had was my bff in highschool when we went on a ski trip; we had houses not hotel rooms. So that kind of counts right? lol Anywho, one of my good friends and my twin sister foreva lol is scheduled to interview on Friday. I wish I would have told her about going when I apllied instead of after b/c that would have guaranteed us to be roomies in the Fall. The rest of the housemates wouldn't be much of an issue then but now I have to wait until she hears back....AFTER her interview tomorrow. So that gives us roughly a week to anticipate her acceptance :)
Hopefully the arrival date that I chose (8/11) won't be full by then b/c in order for us to room together, we have to arrive the same day {Why Disney?? Why?????? lol} I should have chose the 23rd to be on the safe side but I didn't want to run the risk of not being able to choose the housing I want (either Chatham or Patterson; I am NOT under any circumstance staying at Vista Lay--it's all bad when a rap song and video is made about it; creative maybe....funny even....but all bad!!)
I hope that all goes well with Ms. Twin and we can go to Disney together
On another note, I'll be back later to post a little more info on why I am doing this program, this blog, and why my current background is what it is.
Have a Magical Day
Posted by Lena Jolie at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: concerns, Disney College Program, Housing, Roomates
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I've been waiting on this email all week!!! Ive been accepted into the Disney College Program to participate as a Housekeeping cast member :) #2 choice but I don't care, I'm working for Disney yall!! Hot dog! lol
I have to keep from screaming (I did squeak a little lol) since I'm in the library but Oh Em Gee, I'm sooo happy!!!
Posted by Lena Jolie at 9:12 AM 5 comments
Labels: Accepted, Disney College Program, Invitation
Monday, March 1, 2010
Day 6
The wait is killing me!!! lol I am truly being impatient with all of this but I cannot help myself. I'm dying to konw whether or not I made it into this program. I've been eating, sleeping, dreaming all things Disney for quite some time now: in spurts and in overkill over the past (almost) 23 years.
While it's only been 6 days since my interview, I can't help but wonder when I'll get an answer. I've been contemplating doing this internship for a few years but never really settled on going because I didn't want to halt my graduation date any further overdue already thanks to changing majors, but that was my fault lol). I've been reading posts on various blogs and forums about the CP and some people receive their invitation emails as soon as 6-7 days and even as long as 6 weeks. I'm not sure how this will play out for me but hopefully everything works in my favor :)
I'm going to play around with this Polyvore thing I discovered from other bloggers and try to come up with my own outfits for fun and for future shopping (hopefully CP shopping!!)
With that said, I should have some other fun and interesting things to share besides the daunting wait for my purple email **villian cackle**
Posted by Lena Jolie at 12:07 PM 0 comments