To keep things interesting on here until I start my program, I have decided to discuss some of my favorite Disney films of all time. Stay tuned, it will be fun :) lol
Anywho, I recently had the pleasure of viewing Disney's latest and in my opinion GREATEST 2D animated film : The Princess and the Frog
I was unfortunately unable to see this amazing creation while it was in theaters. Trust me, I had every intention on seeing it right from the day I heard it was due to come out. Like many within the African American community, I was excited for Disney to finally have a Princess that looked like us. It honestly never bothered me or changed my views about Disney because there wasn't a Black princess but shoot, they were actually doing it and I was glad!! lol
Now don't think that I am saying that this movie is the best because Tiana is African American and so am I. No.....I'm not that type to do that. I give praise when it's due and criticism when it needs to exist!
The Princess and the Frog centers on the story of Tiana, a young lady from Louisiana who dreams of one day owning and running her own restaurant: Tiana's Place. Tiana becomes closer than ever to having her dream come true when her wealthy best friend's father pays her a hefty fee to cater their masquerade in honor of Prince Naveen's arrival into town. Multiple problems ensue after Tiana is outbid for her restaurant space and when shady voodoo priest named Dr. Facillier decides to work his evil ways and change the haughty prince into a frog. Tiana, saddened by her turn of bad luck runs into yet another hit of bad luck when she kisses the frog prince, who assures her that he is a real prince who is under a spell and will help her get her restaurant back. Well......things don't quite go as planned. The kiss turns Tiana into a frog too!
From there, the two frogs get lost in the bayou trying to find Mama Odie--a nice old voodoo priestess to help reverse Dr. Facillier's spell. During their journey, Tiana and Prince Naveen make many new friends and teach each other things that neither would have experienced without meeting one another. The two amphibians eventually take a true liking to each other, even falling in love--without either willing to admit it at first.
The frogs and their new friends finally reach the city but find that it's too late for them to turn back into humans. Charlotte (Tiana's friend) kisses frog Naveen to break the spell but it doesn't work. Our two little green friends decide that life as frogs won't be as bad because of the love they share, and decide to marry. This love of theirs is so powerful and true that their first kiss as husband and wife breaks Dr. Facillier's spell. Tiana gets her prince and soon fulfills her dream of opening her restaurant. Great ending to a great movie.
I love it :)

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