So it's been a couple of days since I've been accepted into the Disney World College Program. I am still super ecstatic about going but I have a few minor concerns.
Will I like my roomates/housemates? How will that part work out exactly? I mean....I've gone 5 years in college and all of my 22/23 years without having a roommate. The closest I had was my bff in highschool when we went on a ski trip; we had houses not hotel rooms. So that kind of counts right? lol Anywho, one of my good friends and my twin sister foreva lol is scheduled to interview on Friday. I wish I would have told her about going when I apllied instead of after b/c that would have guaranteed us to be roomies in the Fall. The rest of the housemates wouldn't be much of an issue then but now I have to wait until she hears back....AFTER her interview tomorrow. So that gives us roughly a week to anticipate her acceptance :)
Hopefully the arrival date that I chose (8/11) won't be full by then b/c in order for us to room together, we have to arrive the same day {Why Disney?? Why?????? lol} I should have chose the 23rd to be on the safe side but I didn't want to run the risk of not being able to choose the housing I want (either Chatham or Patterson; I am NOT under any circumstance staying at Vista Lay--it's all bad when a rap song and video is made about it; creative maybe....funny even....but all bad!!)
I hope that all goes well with Ms. Twin and we can go to Disney together
On another note, I'll be back later to post a little more info on why I am doing this program, this blog, and why my current background is what it is.
Have a Magical Day
Episode 112
8 years ago
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