So.....unfortunately my plans of having a different Disney themed background every so often will not go through lol
Why you ask? Well, it's too much for one. I could barely find the one's I did have in the beginning and now the page that had my Little Mermaid background is messed up and that means my blog will just be blank with no background and my source of templates is gone :( Another part of the being too much aspect: having to change my text color on all my posts when I change templates. I'm procrastinating enough at school already, I won't even try to do all of that again!! lol This is the last least until I find a simpler way of doing things
Oh well......on with the show.
I've decided on a new type of theme: a lovely, girly-type background that reminds me of one of my favorite Disney Classics of all time: Beauty and The Beast. It's by no coincidence that I do this today b/c I watched the movie this weekend (I was due for some quality Disney time and watched that and UP (congrats on the Oscar wins guys!!!) the beginning of the weekend.
This lovely pink, brown, and green schemed vintage rose background reminds me of Beauty and The Beast somehow. I guess because it has that vintagey romantic element to it. Also, remember the mystical rose from the story? Yeaaaah! lol I think that may have something to do with it too :)
Off to do homework and obliterate this darn procrastination. How do you other future CPs deal with this madness???
Episode 112
8 years ago
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